March 21, 2011


We've found that every time we try online dating we meet a few nice-enough guys. A few duds (or just not people we want to date again) and at least one total weirdo.

Maybe it's just us, but we're sharing an email/text conversation so you can tell us which one of the categories that P falls into.

Email #1 (from P)
I enjoyed your pitch, "If you're curious, like an adventure and are open minded and kind - we'll have something to talk about." I like adventures, and am ashamed to admit how few I have had recently. Although the best one of late was the Lynwood Skate and Bowl. For 13 bucks you can have a two sport night.

Some things I will use to my advantage,

1) Beige is bad

2) The Columbia city theater is fun

3) The Sculpture Park is great use of "pork barrel" spending

4) I haven't read a lot, but "East of Eden" is a masterpiece

5) Canadian whisky is not whiskey.

6) The Melrose Market beats Serious Pies hands down.

*) This one is probably not to my advantage. Steve Sher should not be on the radio, he drives me nuts, and they have the nerve to give him two hours.

Open to a beer? A stroll weather permitting? Dumplings?


The list he references above relates to our bio. We share a bunch of things we like - whiskey, books, NPR, etc. and say that they can use them to their advantage, if they want.

We're going to stay away from the political "pork barrel" spending comment, because we don't exactly know what he's talking about and if we think about it too much we might eliminate him from the possibility pool. And so, we write back.

Hi P,

Have you been to the Columbia City Theater since it's been redone? Such a great venue! We've never been to the Lynwood Skate & Bowl. Wait, take that back. We may have been there to skate ages and ages ago. We're not so good at bowling or skating. But, what can you do?

We are open to a beer or a stroll. Although we have to get one thing straight right now - we like Steve Sher and you can't change our mind! At least we can agree on East of Eden. A favorite. Have you read his other stuff?

Hope you're having a good day. The sun is so dazzling!


Email #2
I have to say I have not been to the Columbia City Theater in a while. The last time I was there Angie's across the street was still in business. I like Columbia City but it is a little far especially when drinking is involved. If only the city of Seattle could get light rail going quicker, but alas it is going to be a while.

I will say the one thing I like on Weekday is when they bring in the guy who covers Canadian Politics. Of course never really remember any names, except for Stephen Harper. It is nice to hear about North American Politics other then the violence in Mexico, or the in fighting here. I put my foot down when it comes to Organic Gardening Tuesdays. Every time I am working on site and that comes on, the crew turns on me and I lose control of the radio for the rest of the day. My absolute favorite thing on NPR is the Writer's Almanac in the afternoon.

I know it is late in the week, how does a beer and some pinball tomorrow night sound? Maybe Shorty's? I am open to any sort of random idea to meet outside of bungee jumping or karaoke. If tomorrow is too soon, maybe sometime next week.

I look forward to meeting you.

(he includes his phone number)

What's with the political rant? We're into politics and news and such, but seems a little intense for a get-to-know-you email...Oh well, we like a guy who has opinions. 

Also, we have to say that we like for a guy to ask us for our number and call us. We don't plan on calling him first. Although we're probably being unreasonable.

Hi P,

Unfortunately, we don't think a date this weekend is going to work. We've come down with the dreaded cold that everyone is suffering from and want to take it easy and not subject anyone to our bad germs!

Maybe next week? (we give him our phone number)


We also don't mention that we have several other dates lined up for the week and weekend, despite our cold. Our calendar is booked!

Email #3
Well I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, and hope you feel better soon. Give me a call when you have recovered. I look froward to hearing from you.


At this point, we decide we're not that into this guy. Especially not enough to pursue a date by calling him when we're over our cold. But, at some point the next week, he emails us again.

Email #4
I hope you are feeling better. It seems you and half of Seattle are trying to beat this cold. I was reading an article about some new places on The Hill that I wanted to try. Interested?


Dear P,
It goes in phases. Right now We're feeling quite stuffy. But earlier today we were feeling much better. Thanks for asking. How are you?

Trying a new place on Cap Hill would be fun. Did we give you our number? (we give him our number again)


We know know that we've already given him our phone number. But are trying to make the point that we want him to call us. Is it just us or does jumping from email to a date seem to be skipping a step? Call us old fashioned, but we like to chat once or twice. At least to make a plan.

Email #5
Be patient with this cold, it seems that it takes about 4 days to get over. I have seen a couple people try to come back too soon only to get knocked down. So take care of yourself and healthy doses of chicken soup.

So I have kind of an ambitious idea for a date. I read an article about these new speakeasies in Capitol Hill. I was thinking we could take a walking tour and check them out. All three of them are right around 12th and Pike. This week I am kinda busy during the week, and Saturday I have a Christening I have to attend since I am the Godfather. I was thinking either Friday or Saturday night if that works for you.

You gave me your number, but I kinda want to hear your voice in person. Also I kinda like the anticipation of seeing if you wrote me back. Hope to hear from you soon.


Yikes! This totally weirds us out. We realize that not everyone is a phone person like we are. And have accepted that lots of guys text us rather than calling but...hearing our voice first in person?!? It comes off as weird, right?

We get a text from P (So he does know how to use the phone)
I hope you have made a full recovery. Are you interested in getting together tomorrow or Saturday? 

We decide we don't want to go out with this guy. He seems off. Someone we for- sure don't want to date. We know that his intentions probably aren't coming across as he meant them to...Plus we've met someone else that we really like and don't feel like going on random dates with guys who've already raised red flags. 

We ask our friend if we should be up-front and just email P back and tell him that we're not interested. And maybe tell him that if a girl gives him her phone number usually it means she wants him to call her. And he should, even if his preference is different. But she tells us that's not our job.

Email #6
Are you still interested in meeting for a drink sometime?


As discussed, we don't respond.

Email #7
Well, I had no idea Steve Sher could be so divisive. Good luck out there.


Um, maybe we were a jerk for not emailing him back and saying we're not interested. But his last email, putting us in our place, seems rather unnecessary. Although it is sorta funny...

So, what do you think? Are we being unreasonably judgmental? Please tell us! And please share your crazy-man stories, we're in the need of a few laughs.

1 comment:

Briana said...

Whatever. So what if you're being judgmental. This guy is a tool. In practically the same sentence, he praises Columbia City and bemoans the lack of light rail in Seattle? Was he being ironic or something? There is a light rail station 1/4 mile from the Columbia City Theater!
I love reading about these adventures in dating! I'll try to get my friend Dana to share some of her stories once she's back in the dating game. All my stories are so old and pathetic. I think I've been dating my husband since before texting was invented. :-)